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The Governors are committed to St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School being a distinctively Christian school. One aspect of this is to view the School's policies through the lens of Christian values.

We are grateful that local and national bodies produce models of good practice and, indeed, that the adoption of such models as School policies bring many benefits.

There are times, however, when the School needs to adapt secular policies or, indeed, to rewrite them. In such cases, the values informing that work will be explained.

The School's agreed underpinning values are: faith; valuing ourselves; valuing others; justice; stewardship; trustworthiness; forgiveness; truth and fulfilling potential.

One of the practical out-workings of these values is that all policies will be considered and implemented with due regard to equality and equity.

Contact us

St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

0117 3772100