Sixth Form Alive Values
Sixth Form students are role models for younger students. They are expected to set a positive example and a high standard of behaviour and courtesy at all times.
Students are expected to be kind to one another and to support each other, and follow the learning agreement that all students sign when they join our Sixth Form, and the Keeping Students Safe in 6th Form document.
Our Alive Model of Learning is the framework which captures what being fully alive means for us as a community. We do not expect stakeholders to remember all 15 elements, but rather this model informs our interactions and communication as a community.
The tangible purpose of our Alive Model of Learning and Curriculum is “to develop the skills, knowledge and Alive qualities so that all our students can make their unique contribution to the world.”
In order to achieve this every member of our community is expected to conduct themselves in a manner which reflects our three circles:
In addition, in Sixth Form, we talk often about developing an A Level mindset consisting of the skills, attitudes and motivation which characterise those students who are most likely to experience success in their A level studies.
Finding a motivation for the hard work A Levels involved is key to pushing yourself to achieve your best. This could be an external goal or aspiration, which gives you the reason to go the extra mile, or an internal drive or inspiration that comes about when you really invest in and start to love the subjects you have chosen, and have intellectual curiosity about them.
A mature learner will find the challenges of their subjects increasingly fascinating, will be becoming more creative and questioning in their approach, and will always be looking to find out more and to stretch their understanding. This doesn’t happen magically or automatically but is the pay-off when you take the time to read and explore beyond what you are just told to do.