Governance and Financial Information
As a Voluntary Aided School, our Governors are responsible for the creation and administration of the School's Admissions Policies and for the maintenance and upkeep of the school's buildings, in addition to those matters set out by the 1986 and 1988 Education acts, e.g. curriculum, charging policy for educational activities, budget, access to information, employment of staff, standards of discipline, and Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy. The school also benefits from the support of two historical Trusts, overseen by the Executive Trustees of SMR with Temple (Executive Trustees Committee) and the SMR with Temple Educational Charity (Educational Charity Committee). These are governed by their respective Trust Deeds and work independently of, as well as in conjunction with, the FGB. The school’s Foundation Governors act as the Trustees.
School policies can be accessed via the Policies page of this website. All queries should be referred to the Clerk to the Governors. Please send any correspondence for Governors to St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School, Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT.
Governors' Management System
The Full Governing Body meets four times a year. The majority of the Governors' work is done through Committees as shown below, which meet either three or four times each year. Disciplinary panels are convened as necessary.
* - Committees stand outside of main Governance structure but work with and alongside FGB.
The Co-Ordinating Committee comprises the Chair of Governors, Chairs of each of the Governors’ Committees (including the independent Foundation committee), the Headteacher and Deputy Heads (as appropriate) together with other School Leadership Team (SLT) members whose presence may be required. This Committee co-ordinates the work of the other Committees and the Full Governing Body.
School Leadership Pay
Members of our School Leadership Team (apart from the School Business Manager) are paid in accordance with the latest School Teachers Pay and Condition Document (STPCD). The Leadership Team are remunerated on the published scales which range from points 17 to point 41.
Employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more: At St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School, one individual employee has a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
School Financial Benchmarking
Key financial information, including financial benchmarking in comparison to other schools, is available online. Please follow the link below for our financial benchmarking:
St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School Financial Benchmarking
Expenditure Transparency
Expenditures in this financial year on contracts with a value greater than £5,000 are listed in the attachment below.