Exams Officer: Ms I Cachandt
Email: exams@smrt.bristol.sch.uk
Telephone: 0117 377 2100 (ext 283) or 07786 268281
Generally, the Exams office is open during normal school hours, 9:00am – 3:00pm, 2:30pm on Fridays.
GCSE Results
Available on site from 8.30 am on Thursday 15 August for A Levels and Thursday 22 August for GCSEs.
Post Results Services
This section contains post-results information for Year 11 and Year 13.
Coping With Exam Stress
Here are guides to help you as a student, or as a parent/carer, cope with exam stress and an overview of our exam access arrangements.
Guidance and Instructions for Students (Video)
Links To Key Documents
- Preparing for your Exams Checklist
- Brief Guide to Exam Access Arrangements
- Management of GCE and GCSE NEA Policy
- Procedures for Dealing with Candidate Requests Policy
- Internal Appeals Policy
- SMRT Guidance on Calculators
- Summer Exams information sheet for students
- Summer Exams information sheet for parents/carers
- Appendix 6 indicative sanctions against candidates
JCQ Documents
Please visit the following link to view the JCQ's (Joint Council for Qualifications) information for candidates:
JCQ Information for Candidates - Privacy Notice
JCQ Guidance for Parents, Carers and Students about Access Arrangements
JCQ Guidance on Calculators. See also our document in the section above for recommended models.
Invigilator Posts
We are regularly on the lookout for more people to join our team of invigilators. Check our Vacancies page to see if we are recruiting.