We Value Diversity and Choice 2
Weekly Worship from Chaplain Josh
Our ALIVE value this week is, ‘We value diversity and choice’.
This can be interpreted in so many ways, but today we will think about what it means to offer our unique contribution to our world.
We are all diverse with different skills, talents, hobbies & passions. You have something unique to offer to this world. Have a chat with those sitting near you about your unique skills, talents, hobbies & passions.
Good diversity celebrates our unique and different contributions.
God loves the diversity he created and reminds us through many Bible passages that we need to value it too. An early church leader named Paul famously wrote about diversity in the imagery of a body. Like a body with many parts, we are made up of different, unique & diverse parts. We need to celebrate one another’s differences and work well together.
Here is a similar example…
Think of a band or orchestra. There is diversity in instruments and the sounds that are created. If everyone played the same instrument or sound, it would be boring and incomplete. Each instrument and sound heard is unique and important.
Watch this song and see how it all comes together when all the instruments are being played. Each one has a unique contribution to make.
Think through these questions while you watch the clip:
- How are you going to bring your unique contribution to the world?
- How are you going to celebrate and value the unique contributions of others?
Let’s pray to finish,
Father God, thank you for making each of us wonderfully diverse. You have gifted us unique skills, talents & passions, so we can bless this world. Show us opportunities to offer our unique contributions to our school community and beyond.
We pray this in your name,