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Religious Education Key Stage 3


Engaging all students with a diverse range of religious and non-religious  world views to help us live together in today’s multi-cultural world.​ 

Curriculum Overview

Click to view the Curriculum Overview

Sequencing, Setting and Support

In Year 7 we start with A-Z of Religion and Beliefs to help us to support pupils who will have had varied experiences of RE at KS2. We use this unit to build confidence, understanding of key terms and developing the skills needed for RE throughout the rest of their education. We look at Christianity for 50% of each year as per our requirement as a faith school, but this is sometimes done by looking at specific themes linked to our Alive values e.g. justice and respect. We will then look at the influence Christianity and other religions have on building on justice and respect. We will cover all six of the major world religions by the end of KS3 and we will also cover a range of smaller religions from around the world to continue to teach about the diversity of religions and practice around the world. Homework tasks form part of our way of reviewing and retrieving content and each assessment features a recap activity to ensure pupils are able to build on their prior learning each time. 

We teach mixed ability classes across Years 7, 8 and 9 and approach this by providing a wide variety of tasks to enable pupils to engage with the content in a level appropriate to their needs. We work closely with LSAs and Learning Support to ensure that we provide resources that make sense of a curriculum that can sometimes seem to talk about very abstract concepts. This means that our SEND pupils are able to be supported in tasks that enable to engage them effectively. For pupils pushing to the top of their targets at KS3, we are able to provide support and challenge based around looking to GCSE level.  

Alive Themes in Religious Education

Click to view the Alive Values Overview

Assessment in Religious Education

Click to view the Assessment Overview

Homework and how Parents/Carers Support Learning

All homework is set on Bromcom which is an app and website available to students and parents/carers. Further information is available on our Homework page.

These are the principles which underpin our homework.

Homework overview graphic

Homework in RE across Years 7,8 and 9 will make use of a range of the different homework principles outlined above. In Year 7, pupils may have more revise and retrieve tasks using the Blooket platform. This is to ensure a solid understanding of key concepts and key terms that will be essential for RE across KS3, KS4 and KS5. As pupils progress into Year 8 and 9, there will be a wider range of tasks and more use of reading around the subject and flipped learning to continue to develop independence and deeper thinking around the topics studied. Some homeworks are specifically linked to our Alive values so that pupils can make the connections between their learning in RE and the wider purpose of the school. In Year 9, some homeworks will be set using Seneca, to build confidence in this platform ahead of the wide use of this in KS4. 

When Blooket homeworks are set, you can support your child by perhaps even logging on and challenging them to see who has the best RE knowledge! If other types of homeworks are set there will be a range of options to suit the needs of all learners, so you can support your child by helping them identify the homework that will provide the correct level of challenge for them at this stage.  

Useful Religious Education Resources

RE:Quest - resources on a wide ranges of Christian beliefs and practices:

Oak Academy

Contact us

St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

0117 3772100